Ice Box Procession  Photo by Milé Murtanovski.JPG

Become a member

Join The Department of Illumination and help us make the magic happen!

We have three types of memberships:

TYPE 1: Our staff, artists, and volunteers who have worked at least 10 hours with us in the past fiscal year (May 1 to April 30). We know who you are!

TYPE 2: You love us. You support us. You want to give us $25! Your membership will last for one year. Click the button below to join!

TYPE 3: Fun for the whole family! For $50 the entire family become official members for one year.

All members will receive an invitation to our Annual General Meeting, be added to our e-newsletter list, and get early access to tickets for The Firelight Lantern Festival and our annual 10 x 10 art show. Don’t want to use PayPal? Send an etransfer to Indicate it’s for a membership, and include your email address.

from CA$25.00